
Incoming Messages Event

The messages event is emitted when a new message is received from a user. This includes text messages, media messages, reactions, locations, and other types of messages.

Listening for the messages event:

wh.on("messages", async (message: Message) => {

The Message class:

  • id (string): The ID of the message (useful for replying to the message, creating threads, and marking as read).
  • metadata (object):
    • displayPhoneNumber (string): The phone number to which the message was sent.
    • phoneNumberID (string): The ID of the phone number to which the message was sent.
  • type (string): The type of the message, which can be one of the following (in lowercase): text, image, video, document, audio, sticker, reaction, location, contacts, unsupported. Additionally, there will be a property with the same name as the type that will contain the actual content, If the message type is unsupported, there will be an property named errors .
  • fromUser (object):
    • WhID (string): The WhatsApp ID of the user (the phone number with the country code).
    • name (string): The name of the sender.
  • timestamp (Date): The time of the message.
  • hasMedia (boolean): Whether the message contains media (image, video, sticker, document, or audio).
  • isReply (boolean): Whether the message is a reply. If true, the context property will be present.
  • context (object, optional): An object with messageID - The ID of the message that was replied to, and messageFrom (string) – The number of the user who sent the message that was replied to. This will be present only if the incoming message is a reply to another message.
  • forwarded (boolean): Whether the message was forwarded.
  • forwardedManyTimes (boolean): Whether the message was forwarded many times. This will only appear if forwarded is true.
  • text (string): The text of the message (if the message type is type.text).
  • image (object): The image of the message (if the message type is type.image), with properties: sha256, id, caption (optional), mimeType.
  • video (object): The video of the message (if the message type is, with the same properties as image.
  • sticker (object): The sticker of the message (if the message type is type.sticker), with the same properties as image, but instead of caption, it has animated (boolean) indicating whether the sticker is animated.
  • audio (object): The audio of the message (if the message type is, with the same properties as image, but instead of caption, it has voice (boolean) indicating whether the audio is a voice message or just an audio file.
  • document (object): The document of the message (if the message type is type.document), with the same properties as image, plus an optional filename property with the name of the file.
  • reaction (object): The reaction of the message (if the message type is type.reaction), with properties: messageID (the ID of the message that was reacted to), type (either react or unReact), and if type is react, an additional property emoji with the emoji used for the reaction.
  • location (object): The location of the message (if the message type is type.location), with properties: latitude (number), longitude (number), name (string, optional), address (string, optional), url (string, optional).
  • contacts: If the message type is contacts, documentation for this will be added soon.
  • error (object): The error of the message (if the message type is type.unsupported), with properties: errorCode - The error class (detailed documentation for error codes can be found on the Errors page).



Downloads the media of the message, if hasMedia is true.


  saveToFile?: boolean,
  fileName?: string,
  folderPath?: string
): Promise<{ mimeType: string; fileSize: string; filePath: string } | { mimeType: string; fileSize: string; fileBuffer: Buffer }>


  • saveToFile (boolean, optional, default: false): Whether to save the media to a file on disk.
  • fileName (string, optional): The name of the file to save the media as. Required if saveToFile is true.
  • folderPath (string, optional): The path to the folder where the media should be saved. Required if saveToFile is true, otherwise, the default is the files folder in the project directory.


A Promise that resolves with an object containing the following properties:

If saveToFile is true:

  • mimeType (string): The MIME type of the media.
  • fileSize (string): The size of the media file.
  • filePath (string): The path to the saved media file.

If saveToFile is false:

  • mimeType (string): The MIME type of the media.
  • fileSize (string): The size of the media file.
  • fileBuffer (Buffer): A buffer containing the media data.


Saving the media to a file:

const mediaInfo = await message.downloadMedia(true, 'image.jpg', '/path/to/folder');
console.log(mediaInfo.filePath); // Output: /path/to/folder/image.jpg

Getting the media as a buffer:

const mediaInfo = await message.downloadMedia();
const fileBuffer = mediaInfo.fileBuffer;
// Do something with the file buffer


Marks the message as read. This method does not take any parameters.


A Promise that resolves with a boolean indicating whether the message was successfully marked as read.


const markAsReadSuccess = await message.markMessageAsRead("wamid.XXX="); // boolean

For more information on the available methods for handling incoming messages, see the Event Handlers documentation.